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Hastings & St Leonards

Eco-Therapy Group

Welcome to the Hastings and St Leonards Eco-Therapy Group! We meet monthly to explore some of the local woodlands and natural landscapes in and around the area. We also work as a therapeutic group covering a variety of themes aimed at gently bringing us into a deeper connection with ourselves, others and the land.


All are welcome to join the group at any time, come and make friends and enjoy the delights of connection.


Places are limited (except for clean up days), so please do contact me if you intend to join the group, and make sure  I have your contact details.

Wear suitable clothing and footwear, bring a plastic bag or something waterproof to sit on, water and snack unless otherwise directed.

Most groups start at 10.30am and are on a Sunday, and usually last approximately 3 hours. No dogs or children, and suggested contribution is usually £20 to be paid on the day, but pay what you can afford.

Next Group

Embodiment and Connection
August 30th 2021, meeting at 10.30am
Forewoods, Crowhurst.
Maximum 5 people so please book your place through the contact page.
Hope to see you there!

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